

(A) 期刊論文

1. Rong-Her Chiu (1996) “The Revolution of Liner Shipping Cooperation Mechanism”, Transportation Planning Journal,
Vol. 25, No. 2 (June), pp. 317-334. (TSSCI)

2. 邱榮和,民國八十六年四月十七日,「從海運服務業談判小組之會議實錄看世界貿易組織之海運服務業談判概況」,船舶與
海運 第七二五號,中華海運研究協會 編印。

3. Rong-Her Chiu (1998) “A Pause in Cross Straits Shipping”, Lloyd’s List Maritime Asia, May 1998, pp. 13-14.

4. Rong-Her Chiu (1999) “The Connection of International Logistics and Liner Shipping Services”, Maritime Quarterly, edited
by ROC Shipping Association, Vol. 8, No. 3 (September), pp. 39-58.

5. 邱榮和,民國八十八年十二月十三日,「簡介經濟合作暨發展組織(OECD)發布之「國際海運政策原則瞭解書」」,航貿

6. 邱榮和,民國八十九年三月三十一日,「台灣參與世界貿易組織海運服務業談判之前景」,航運季刊,中華民國航運學會

7. 邱榮和,民國八十九年四月二十四日及五月一日,「臺灣地區北部貨櫃集散站之經營困境與因應之道」(上)(下),航貿

8. 邱榮和、黃國英,民國九十三年三月,「分析加入世界貿易組織後對我國海運服務業之衝擊與因應措施」,航運季刊,中華

9. Rong-Her Chiu* (2007) “The Liberalization of Shipping in Taiwan”, Marine Policy, Vol. 31, Issue 3, May 2007,
pp. 258-265. (SSCI)

10. Rong-Her Chiu* and Kuang Lin (2007) “The Potential for Developing Short Sea Shipping Between Taiwan and Mainland
China”, Maritime Quarterly, Vol. 16, No. 4, December 2007, pp. 17-38.

11. Rong-Her Chiu* (2008) “The Operation and Service Performance of Global Logistics Center in Taiwan”, The Journal of
Shipping and Logistics, Vol. 57, June, pp. 177-197. (KCI, published in Seoul, Korea)

12. Rong-Her Chiu*, Chien-Chung Yuan, and Kee-Kuo Chen (2008) “The Implementation of Port State Control in Taiwan”,
Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 207-213. (SCIE)

13. Kee-Kuo Chen, Jaw-Shen Wang, Ching-Wu Chu, Rong-Her Chiu (2009) “Improving Service Quality Using Performance
Indexes”, Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE IEEM, pp. 1342-1346.(EI)

14. Rong-Her Chiu* (2010) “Potential Businesses to be Developed within Free Trade Zone in Taiwan”, Maritime Quarterly,
Vol. 19, No. 2, June, pp. 55-76.

15. Kee-Kuo Chen, Jaw-Shen Wang, Ching-Wu Chu, Rong-Her Chiu (2010) “Improving service performance for an
international container shipping company using index approach: A method and applications”, Journal of Marine Science
and Technology, Vol. 18, No. 5, pp. 759-770. (SCIE)

16. 邱榮和*、陳柏熏(2011),「兩岸直航旅客海空運運具選擇探討--以基隆至廈門間航線為例」,航運季刊,第20卷,第3期
(September 2011),頁1-17。

17. Rong-Her Chiu*, Taih-Cherng Lirn, Chia-yi Li, Bing-yan Lu and Kuo-chung Shang (2011) “An Evaluation of Free Trade
Port Zone in Taiwan”, The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics, Vol. 27, No. 3 (December), pp. 423-446. (KCI)

18. Rong-Her Chiu* and Yu-Chang Lin (2012) “The inter-industrial linkage of maritime sector in Taiwan: an input-output
analysis”, Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 19, Issue 4 (March 2012), pp. 337-343. (SSCI, IF: 0.226(2011))

19. Rong-Her Chiu* and Yu-Chang Lin (2012) “Applying Input-Output Model to Investigate the Inter-industrial Linkage of
Transportation Industry in Taiwan”, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 173-186.
(SCI, IF: 0.483(2011))

20. Rong-Her Chiu* (2013) “The Effect of Cabotage on the Cross-Strait Sea Transport Agreement Between China and
Taiwan”, Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce, Volume 44, No. 1, pp. 69-88.

21. Rong-Her Chiu, Le-Hui Lin and Shih-Chan Ting (2014) “Evaluation of Green Port Factors and Performance: A Fuzzy
AHP Analysis”, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol. 2014 (Jan.), pp. 1-12. (SCI, IF: 1.383 (2012))
( NSC-101-2410-H-019-005)

22. Cheng-Sheng Lai, Rong-Her Chiu*, Chih-Ching Chang and Kung-Don Ye (2014) “Organizational Change for Port
Authorities: A Social Information Processing Analysis”, Maritime Policy and Management, Volume 41, No. 4, pp. 405-424.
(SSCI, IF: 0.811 (2012))( *Corresponding author)

23. Rong-Her Chiu and David C. Yen (2015) “Application of Organizational Life Cycle Theory for Port Reform Initiatives in
Taiwan”, Research in Transportation Business & Management, Vol. 14, (March, 2015), pp. 14-24.
(SNIP: 0.763; SJR: 0.560 (2014))

24. Rong-Her Chiu, Christina W. Y. Wong, Taih-Cherng Lirn and Kuo-Chung Shang (2015) “Determinants of Strategic
Collaborations in Container Terminal Operations”, International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, Volume 7,
No. 2, pp. 156-173 (SSCI, IF: 1.319 (2012))

25. Cheng-Hsing Yang, Rong-Her Chiu*, Kung-Don Ye, and Heng-Chih Chou (2015) “Does social information matter?
The Moderating Effect on Port Reform Trust”, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 36-43.
(SCI, IF: 0.483(2011)) ( *Corresponding author)

26. Rong-Her Chiu and David C. Yen (2015) “Application of Organizational Life Cycle Theory for Port Reform Initiatives in
Taiwan”, Research in Transportation Business & Management, Vol. 14, (March, 2015), pp. 14-24.
(SNIP: 0.763; SJR: 0.560 (2014))

27. Le-Hui Lin, Kee-Kuo Chen and Rong-Her Chiu (2017/01) “Predicting the Customer Retention Likelihood for Container
Shipping Industry by Using Decision Tree Approach”, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol. 25, No. 1,
pp. 23-33. (SCI, IF: 0.483(2011))

28. Tien-Chun Ho, Rong-Her Chiu, Cheng-Chi Chung, and Hsuan-Shih Lee (2017/06), “Key Influence Factors for Ocean
Freight Forwarders Selecting Container Shipping Lines Using the Revised DEMATEL Approach,” Journal of Marine
Science and Technology, Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 299-310. (SCIE, IF: 0.298 and Rank 78/85 in JCR 2015, Categories:
Engineering, Multidisciplinary).

29. Kee-Kuo Chen, Rong-Her Chiu and Ching-Ter Chang (2017/08) “Using beta regressing to explore the relationship
between service attributes and likelihood of customer retention for the container shipping industry”, Transportation
Research Part E, Vol. 104 (August), pp. 1-16. (SSCI, IF: 2.974(2017))

30. Rong-Her Chiu* and Dong-Hua Wang (2019/04), “Collaboration Enhances Utilization of Production Factors in Container
Shipping Industry,” Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 81-90. (SCIE, IF: 0.602 in JCR 2018,
Categories: Engineering, Multidisciplinary).

31. Rong-Her Chiu* (2019/11), “The regulations of shipping conferences in Taiwan referring to the EU to repeal the block
exemption for liner conferences,” Maritime Business Review, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 365-394. (Clarivate Analytics: Emerging
Sources Citation Index).

32. Chien-Chung Yuan, Rong-Her Chiu* and Cunqiang Cai (2020/08) Important Factors Influencing the Implementation of
Independent Port State Control Regimes, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2020, 8(9), 641, pp. 1-16.
<doi:10.3390/jmse8090641> (SCI, IF: 2.033 (2019))

(B) 研討會論文

1. 邱榮和、陳韜,民國八十九年五月二十六日,「兩岸參與世界貿易組織海運服務業談判之前景」,第一屆兩岸航運科技學術

2. 邱榮和、林光,民國九十年五月二十五日,「二十一世紀世界貿易組織海運服務業談判之策略與展望」,第一屆國際航運管理學術研討會論文集,私立中國海事商業專科學校編印,第5頁至第19頁;

3. 邱榮和,民國九十年十二月十二日,「加入WTO後承攬業將受到的衝擊」,航業法及承攬運送業管理規則修正研討會論文集,台北市海運承攬運送商業同業公會印製,第1頁至第12頁

4. 邱榮和,「加入WTO後對我國航運業可能之影響分析」,「慶祝第四十九屆航海節學術研討會」論文集,中華民國航運學會編印,民國九十二年七月八日,第42頁至第51頁。

5. 邱榮和,「國際物流人才專業能力與培育之探討」,「2003全國物流現代化研討會」論文集,中華民國物流協會編印,民國九十二年九月十七日,第1頁至第23頁。

6. Rong-Her Chiu (2004) “Liberalization of Maritime Transport Operations in Taiwan”, Proceedings of the 91st Annual Conference Association of Pacific Ports, Association of Pacific Ports & Taichung Harbor Bureau Taiwan, August 23-27, 2004, pp. 61-75.

7. 邱榮和,「現行航運管理課程規劃理念與內涵」,「全球化下航運管理新思維—21世紀航運管理教學研討會」論文集,國立高雄海洋科技大學(航運管理系暨研究所)主辦,民國九十三年十月二十一日,第1-4頁至第1-8頁。

8. 邱榮和,「台灣地區海運貨櫃跨國資訊系統整合規劃之分析」,「航港業務自動化與網路化應用推廣研討會」論文集,交通部主辦,民國九十四年十月十四日,第1頁至第23頁。

9. 邱榮和、邱謙文,「港口國管制(PSC)與國際船舶和港口設施保全(ISPS))中船舶航安檢查實務之探討」,第三屆十校聯盟航運學術研討會論文集,開南管理學院航運與物流管理學系、中華航運學會、中華海運研究協會主辦,2005年12月23日,第353頁至第360頁;

10. 陳韜、王穆衡、邱榮和、丁士展、陳一平,「港群與跨國航運資訊平台之發展與影響—以亞洲為例」,中華民國運輸學會第二十屆論文研討會論文集,淡江大學主辦,2005年11月29日,台北市,第257頁至第268頁。

11. Rong-Her Chiu, Kuang Lin (2006) “Recent Development of Shipping and Port Industries in Taiwan”, Proceedings of the 4th International Gwangyang Port Forum, Korean Association of Shipping and Logistics, April 19-21, 2006, pp. 153-169.

12. Rong-Her Chiu (2006) “Current Status of Short Sea Shipping between Mainland China and Taiwan”, Proceedings of International Conference on Contemporary Issues of Shipping and Ports in Korea, Korea Port Economic Association, August 08-09, 2006, pp. 1-17.

13. 邱榮和、游振明、張鈞揚,「亞洲五大港埠之行銷策略探討」,「航運、港埠與物流的新挑戰2006年航海節及基隆港建港120週年航運與港埠管理研討會」論文集,中華航運學會及國立臺灣海洋大學航運管理學系主辦,2006年9月29日,基隆市,第471頁至第482頁。

14. 邱榮和、游振明、徐基展,「港埠變革對於服務內涵之影響」,「航運、港埠與物流的新挑戰2006年航海節及基隆港建港120週年航運與港埠管理研討會」論文集,中華航運學會及國立臺灣海洋大學航運管理學系主辦,2006年9月29日,基隆市,第593頁至第607頁。

15. 邱榮和、江清榮,「我國保稅物流中心貨物流通關務作業之探討」,「第四屆流通與全球運籌論文研討會」論文集,國立臺中技術學院(流通管理系)及大榮貨運股份有限公司,2006年10月27日,臺中市,第1頁至第13頁。

16. 邱榮和、江清榮,「台灣地區海關管理國際物流中心貨物流通加值作業之探討(Investigating the Customs Regulation on the Value-added Operations in International Logistics Center in Taiwan)」,「2006 年供應鏈與物流國際研討會」論文集(Proceedings of International Conference on Greater China Supply Chain and Logistics 2006)(ISBN988-97830-2-9), organized by Department of Logistics, Hong Kong Polytechnic University(香港理工大學), 9-10 December, 2006, Kowloon, Hong Kong, pp. 691-703.

17. 邱榮和、張鈞揚,「港埠行銷策略之探討--亞洲五大港埠為例」,中華民國運輸學會第二十一屆論文研討會論文集,中華大學主辦,2006年12月29日,新竹縣,第1頁至第11頁。

18. 邱榮和、馬世潔,「台灣國際物流中心作業能力與服務績效之研究」,第五屆十校聯盟航運學術研討會論文集,成功大學主辦,2007年06月14日,台南市,第D3-33頁至第D3-44頁。

19. Rong-Her Chiu, Chien-Chung Yuan, and Ching-Di Wei (2008) “The Development and Service Performance of Global Logistics Centre in Taiwan Area”, Proceedings of 2008 IAME Conference, organized by Dalian University and Plymouth University, 4-5 April 2008, Dalian, China, pp. 1-20.

20. Ching-Ti Wei, Rong-Her Chiu, Tzu-Kuei Chen (2008) “The Influence of Key Account Management and Quality Relationship on Organizational Performance”, Proceedings of BAI 2008 International Conference on Business and Information, Seoul, South Korea, 07-09 July 2008, pp. 1-11.

21. 邱榮和、林育樟(2008),「台灣地區海洋部門之產業關聯分析」,第六屆十校聯盟航運學術研討會論文集,長榮大學主辦,2008年10月03日,台南縣,第1頁至第17頁。

22. 邱榮和、林育樟(2008),「應用投入產出分析模型評估我國運輸部門之經濟效果」,中華民國運輸學會97年學術論文國際研討會論文集,高雄第一科技大學主辦,2008年12月04-05日,高雄市,第1頁至第35頁。

23. Rong-Her Chiu (2009) “Developing Business Within Free Port Zone in Taiwan”, 第七屆兩岸三地航運物流研討會論文集, organized by Shenzhen Maritime Shipping Association, 20-21 March 2009, Shenzhen, China, pp. 307-26.

24. Rong-Her Chiu (2009) “Potential Businesses to be Developed Within Free Port Zone in Taiwan”, 2009 International Conference on Shipping, Port and Logistics Management, organized by Jungseok Research Institute of International Logistics and Trade/Inha University, 02-03 April 2009, Incheon, Korea, pp. 1-20.

25. Kee-Kuo Chen, Jaw-Shen Wang, Ching-Wu Chu, Rong-Her Chiu (2009) “Improving Service Quality Using Performance Indexes”, 2009 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, pp. 1342-1346.

26. Rong-Her Chiu and Dong-Hwa Wang (2009) “Operating Businesses within Free Trade Zone in Taiwan”, Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 7, organized by the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 16-19 November 2009, Surabaya, Indonesia, pp. 1-15.

27. 徐旺和、柯秉輝、魏慶地、邱榮和(2009) 「國內物流業者評選委外運輸商之關鍵因素分析」,中華民國運輸學會98年學術論文國際研討會論文集,開南大學主辦,2009年12月03-04日,桃園縣,第1頁至第15頁。

28. Chien-Chung Yuan and Rong-Her Chiu (2010) “Port Facility Security Plan: Discussion of a Local Case”, Proceedings of IFMS (International Forum on Maritime Security) 2010, organized by the National Taiwan Ocean University, 16 April 2010, Keelung, Taiwan, pp. 119-130.

29. 邱榮和、賴怡均(2010)「我國綠色港口措施之研究」,2010海洋文化國際研討會論文集,國立高雄海洋科技大學主辦,2010年10月14-15日,高雄市,第253頁至第259頁。

30. Rong-Her Chiu (2010) “Port reform in Taiwan: new government opportunities or port competitiveness?” Proceedings of International Forum on Shipping, Ports and Airports (IFSPA) 2010, organized by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Southwest Jiaotong University, 16-19 October 2010, Chengdu, Sichuan, China, pp. 208-215.

31. 邱榮和、賴怡均(2011)「綠色港口管理措施之探討」,2011國際物流與航運學術論文集,開南大學主辦,2011年2月23日,桃園縣,第125頁至第133頁。

32. 邱榮和、陳柏熏(2011),「兩岸直航旅客海空運運具選擇探討--以基隆至廈門間航線為例」,第八屆兩岸三地十校聯盟航運與物流研討會論文集,,國立臺灣海洋大學主辦,2011年03月04日,基隆市,第117頁至第131頁。

33. Rong-Her Chiu, Yu-Chun Chiang, Jeng-Ja Chien and I-Chun Lai (2011) “Green Port Measures: Empirical case in Taiwan”, Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 8, organized by the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, 20-23 June 2011, Jeju, Korea, pp. 1-15.

34. Rong-Her Chiu, Chung-Ru Chou, Yu-Chuan Chiang and Jenn-Jie Jean (2011) “Maritime Safety Culture Orientation: An Empirical Case of Taiwan”, Proceedings of The 4th International Conference of Asian Shipping and Logistics (ICASL 2011), organized by the College of Management of National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan, and The Korean Association of Shipping and Logistics, Korea, etc., 05-06 May 2011, Tainan, Taiwan, pp. 58-66.

35. Rong-Her Chiu (2012) “Important factor for operating a green port”, Proceedings of 2012 IAME Taipei Conference, organized by Kainan University and Chinese Maritime Research Institute, 6-8 September 2012, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 1-20.

36. Rong-Her Chiu, Ming-Ting Tsai and Shih-Chan Ting (2012) “The Influence of EU to Repeal Anti-trust Exemption for Liner Conference”, Proceedings of International Forum on Shipping, Ports and Airports (IFSPA) 2012, organized by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 27-30 May 2012, Hong Kong, China, pp. 123-131.

37. Rong-Her Chiu and Shih-Chan Ting (2012) “Important factors for operating a green port”, Proceedings of ISME 2012 (2012 International Conference of Information Science and Management Engineering), organized by the Information Technology and Industrial Engineering Research Centers, 07-08 December 2012, Wuhan, China, pp. 1-6.(NSC-101-2410-H-019-005)

38. Rong-Her Chiu and Le-Hui Lin (2013) “Challenges to Cross-Strait Shipping Operation between Taiwan and China”, Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies 2013, to be held in Taipei, Taiwan, 09-12 September 2013, pp. 1-10.

39. 邱榮和、賴思嘉(2013) 「臺灣地區港務公司採行業務多角化措施之研究」,蕭丁訓、張志清主編,2013兩岸海運論壇-兩岸海運直航五週年回顧與展望論文集,第23卷第1期,2013年12月,頁315-330。(2013兩岸海運論壇,臺灣海峽兩岸航運協會及海峽兩岸航運交流協會主辦,2013年12月10-13日於臺中市舉行。)

40. Rong-Her Chiu, Shih-Chan Ting, Ting-Jui Chou (2014) “Exploring the Benefits of Introducing AEO System into Maritime Freight Forwarders”, paper presented in the International Forum on Shipping, Ports and Airports (IFSPA) 2014, organized by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 19-21 May 2014, Hong Kong, China, pp. 1-10.

41. Rong-Her Chiu (2014) “Development of International Logistics Business and Education in Taiwan”, paper presented in the International Seminar on Global Logistics Research and Education, organized by Chung-Ang University, 26 November 2014, Seoul, Korea, pp. 1-10.

42. Rong-Her Chiu and Ching-Hung Chou (2015) “Factors to influence job selection for employees of maritime freight forwarders”, The 8th International Conference of Asian Shipping and Logistics (ICASL 2015), Organized by Japan – Me Kong Regional Logistics Training Center in Vietnam and The Korean Association of Shipping and Logistics, 25-26 June 2015, Ha Noi, Vietnam, pp. 1-10.

43. Rong-Her Chiu, Yin-Jia Huang and Shih-Chan Ting (2015) “Factors to influence the green shipping actions taken by carriers”, paper presented in the 11th EASTS (Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies) Conference, organized by The Transportation Science Society of the Philippines, 11-14 September 2015, Cebu, Philippines, pp. 1-10.

44. Rong-Her Chiu and Sugeidy Esquivel (2015) “Analysis of Port Development in Panama”, paper presented in the International Forum on Shipping, Ports and Airports (IFSPA) 2015, organized by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 29 Nov.-2 Dec. 2015, Hong Kong, China, pp. 1-13.

45. 邱榮和、周廷奕(2016) 「綠色航運之購買意願研究—綠色知覺價值、綠色知覺風險及綠色信任之影響」,2016創新、整合與應用管理學術研討會論文集,樹德科技大學主辦,2016年6月5日,高雄市,第1369頁至1380頁。

46. Kee-Kuo Chen and Rong-Her Chiu (2016) “Using Beta Regressing to Predict the Likelihood of Customer Retention for Container Shipping Industry”, paper presented in the International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2016), organized by the National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology (Taiwan) and Nottingham University (UK), 03-06 July 2016, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, pp. 502-509.

47. Rong-Her Chiu, Chien-Chung Yuan (2017) “Exploring the Maritime Security Inspection in Taiwan”, paper presented in the 12th EASTS (Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies) Conference, organized by the National Traffic Safety Committee and the Ministry of Transport of Vietnam, 18-21 September 2017, Ho Chi Minh city and Binh Duong city, Vietnam, pp. 1-10.

48. Rong-Her Chiu and Chen-Hsin Liao (2019) “Developing Maritime Express Businesses in Taiwan”, paper presented in the 10th International Forum on Shipping, Ports and Airports (IFSPA 2019), organized by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 20-24 May 2019, Hong Kong, China, pp. 1-13.

49. 陳佳君、邱榮和(2020) 貨櫃航運公司綠色運送作業對顧客滿意與顧客維繫之影響-海運承攬業觀點(Do green shipping practices influence maritime freight forwarders' retention? - The mediating role of customer satisfaction),2020海空運論文研討會論文集,長榮大學主辦,2020年3月27日,台南市,第18頁至31頁。

50. 劉瓊蔚、邱榮和(2020)影響港口國管制檢查之重要因素研究(The factors that significantly impact PSCO implementing PSC), 2020海空運論文研討會論文集,長榮大學主辦,2020年3月27日,台南市,第168頁至178頁。

48. Rong-Her Chiu and Chen-Hsin Liao (2019) “Developing Maritime Express Businesses in Taiwan”, paper presented in the 10th International Forum on Shipping, Ports and Airports (IFSPA 2019), organized by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 20-24 May 2019, Hong Kong, China, pp. 1-13.

49. 陳佳君、邱榮和(2020) 貨櫃航運公司綠色運送作業對顧客滿意與顧客維繫之影響-海運承攬業觀點(Do green shipping practices influence maritime freight forwarders' retention? - The mediating role of customer satisfaction),2020海空運論文研討會論文集,長榮大學主辦,2020年3月27日,台南市,第18頁至31頁。

50. 劉瓊蔚、邱榮和(2020)影響港口國管制檢查之重要因素研究(The factors that significantly impact PSCO implementing PSC), 2020海空運論文研討會論文集,長榮大學主辦,2020年3月27日,台南市,第168頁至178頁。