



期刊論文 Feng-Ming Tsai, Tat-Dat Bui, Ming-Lang Tseng, Ming K. Lim, Raymond R. Tan (2020). Sustainable solid-waste management in coastal and marine tourism cities in Vietnam: A hierarchical-level approach. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 105266. (In press)
期刊論文 Feng-Ming Tsai, Tat-Dat Bui, Ming-Lang Tseng, Kuo-Jui Wu (2020). A causal municipal solid waste management model for sustainable cities in Vietnam under uncertainty: A comparison. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Vol.154, 104599.
期刊論文 Feng-Ming Tsai, Tat-Dat Bui, Ming-Lang Tseng, Ming K. Lim, Jiayao Hu (2020). Municipal solid waste management in a circular economy: A data-driven bibliometric analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 275, 124132.
期刊論文 Feng-Ming Tsai, Tat-Dat Bui, Ming-Lang Tseng, Kuo-Jui Wu, Anthony SF. Chiu (2020). A performance assessment approach for integrated solid waste management using a sustainable balanced scorecard approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 251, 119740.
期刊論文 Feng-Ming Tsai, Tat-Dat Bui, Ming-Lang Tseng, Ming K. Lim, Kuo-Jui Wu, Abu Hashan MdMashud (2020). Assessing a hierarchical sustainable solid waste management structure with qualitative information: Policy and regulations drive social impacts and stakeholder participation. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 105285. (In Press).
期刊論文 Feng-Ming Tsai, Tat-Dat Bui, Ming-Lang Tseng, Mohd Helmi Ali, Ming K. Lim, Anthony SF Chiu (2021). Sustainable supply chain management trends in world regions: A data-driven analysis. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. Vol.167, 105421.
期刊論文 Feng-Ming Tsai and Tat-Dat Bui (2020). Assessing sustainable consumption practices on cruise ships. Maritime Business Review, Vol. 5, Issue 2, pp. 229-247.
期刊論文 Tat-Dat Bui, Feng-Ming Tsai, Ming-Lang Tseng, Raymond R. Tan, Krista Danielle S Yu, Ming K. Lim (2021). Sustainable supply chain management towards disruption and organizational ambidexterity: A data driven analysis. Sustainable Production and Consumption, Vol. 26, pp. 373-410.
期刊論文 Tat-Dat Bui, Feng-Ming Tsai, Ming-Lang Tseng, Kuo-Jui Wu, Anthony SF. Chiu (2020). Effective municipal solid waste management capability under uncertainty in Vietnam: utilizing economic efficiency and technology to foster social mobilization and environmental integrity. Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 259, 120981
期刊論文 Tat-Dat Bui, Feng-Ming Tsai, Ming-Lang Tseng, Mohd Helmi Ali (2020). Identifying sustainable solid waste management barriers in practice using the fuzzy Delphi method. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Vol. 154, 104625.
期刊論文 Feng-Ming Tsai and Tat-Dat Bui (2019). Impact of word of mouth via social media on consumer intention to purchase cruise travel products. Maritime Policy & Management (MPM). (In Press)
期刊論文 Stephen W. Wang, Maxwell K. Hsu, Angeline G. Close, Feng-Ming Tsai (2018). Brand Loyalty in the Cruise Sector: Age Cohorts, Gender, and Travel Attributes as Key Moderators for Relationship Marketing Theory. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol. 26, No. 6, pp. 764-776.
期刊論文 Qian-Feng Wang, Hsuan-Shih Lee, Jian-Yong Shi, Feng-Ming Tsai, Guo-Ya Gan (2018). Evaluation of The Key Development Factors for The Shanghai Cruise Tourism Industry Using An Interval-Valued Fuzzy Number Method. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 508-517.
期刊論文 Tsai, Feng-Ming and J.W. Huang (2017), “Using artificial neural networks to predict container flows between the major ports of Asia,” International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 55, No. 17, pp. 5001-5010. (SCI)
期刊論文 Tsai, F.M., C.C. Lu, and Y.M. Chang (2016), “A Network Model for Solving the Yard Truck Routing and Scheduling Problem,” International Journal of Logistics Management, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 353-370. (SSCI)
期刊論文 Lin, Y.H, C.C. Chen, Chuck F.M. Tsai, and M.L. Tseng (2014), “Balanced scorecard performance evaluation in a closed-loop hierarchical model under uncertainty,” Applied Soft ComputingVol. 24, pp. 1022-1032. (SCI)
期刊論文 蔡豐明、陳威能(2014),「探討臺灣港口發展國際郵輪母港之策略分析」,運輸計劃季刊,第43卷,第4期,頁411-428。 (TSSCI)
期刊論文 Tsai, Chuck F.M., Steven Chien, and C.H. Wei (2013), “Joint Optimization of Temporal Headway and Differential Fare for an Intercity Transit System Considering Heterogeneous Demand Elasticity,” ASCE- Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 139, No. 1, pp. 30-39. (SCI)
期刊論文 蔡豐明*、張志清、蘇泊僑,"ECFA後自由貿易港區規劃及發展策略",海洋及水下科技季刊,第23卷第1期,頁39-45,民國102年5月。
期刊論文 林泰誠、蔡豐明、田淑君,"台灣地區僱用外籍漁業勞工有關問題與勞工管理政策之探討",航運季刊,第20卷第四期,頁63-81,民國100年12月。
期刊論文 Shen, C.W., M.J. Cheng, C.W. Chen, Chuck F.M. Tsai, and Y.C. Cheng (2011), “A fuzzy AHP-based fault diagnosis for semiconductor lithography process,” International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Vol. 7, No. 3. (SCI)
期刊論文 Tsai, Chuck F.M., Steven Chien, and L.N. Spasovic (2008), “Optimizing Distance-Based Fares and Headway of an Intercity Transportation System with Elastic Demand and Trip Length Differentiation,” Journal of the Transportation Research Board, TRR No. 2089, pp. 101-109. (SCI).
期刊論文 Chien, Steven and Chuck F.M. Tsai (2007), “Optimization of Fare Structure and Service Frequency for Maximum Profitability of Transit Systems.” Transportation Planning and Technology, Vol. 30, No. 5, pp. 477-500. (SCI).
研討會論文 Feng-Ming Tsai, Ming-Lang Tseng, Tat Dat Bui, Anthony SF Chiu (2019, Nov). Assessing sustainable solid waste management: Regulatory instrument-driven public participation. The 27th International Conference on Asia Pacific Business Innovation and Technology Management.
研討會論文 Feng-Ming Tsai, Chih-Hung Wu, and Pin-Yen Hsieh (2019, May). Using Analytic Hierarchy Process to Analyze the Development Strategies of Multitemperature Logistics Center in Free Trade Zone. International Forum on Shipping, Ports, and Airports (IFSPA), Hong Kong.
研討會論文 Feng-Ming Tsai, Hsiang-Yu Tang (2018, May). The Transformation Strategies for Mini-Three Links Ferry Transportation. The 23rd International Society for Business Innovation and Technology Management Conference, Cebu, Philippines.
研討會論文 Feng-Ming Tsai, Ting-Ju Lin (2018, May). YTs Scheduling and Routing Problems under the Stochastic Demand. The 23rd International Society for Business Innovation and Technology Management Conference, Cebu, Philippines.
研討會論文 Feng-Ming Tsai, Yi-Ching Chiu (2018, May). Cruise Passengers Forecasting in Asia by Artificial Neural Netweork. The 23rd International Society for Business Innovation and Technology Management Conference, Cebu, Philippines.
研討會論文 Feng-Ming Tsai, Lynn Tso (2017, May). Analyzing Sustainable Operation Strategies of Cruise Supply Chain Distribution Center. the 21st ISBITM conference.
研討會論文 Feng-Ming Tsai (2016, Aug). Developing Cruise Industry in Taiwan: Progress and Challenges. Asia Cruise Forum 2016.
研討會論文 蔡豐明、謝征鴻、陳品蓉(2020年12月)。應用模糊層級分析法探討臺灣跳島郵輪旅遊之發展規劃。中華民國運輸學會年會暨學術論文國際研討會。
研討會論文 蔡豐明、朱禹謙、吳予婕(2020年12月)。以類神經網路預測亞洲主要郵輪母港船隊部署。中華民國運輸學會年會暨學術論文國際研討會。
研討會論文 蔡豐明、 陳淑芳、林慕涵(2020年12月)。港口投資效益分析評估-以基隆港郵輪碼頭為例。中華民國運輸學會年會暨學術論文國際研討會。
研討會論文 蔡豐明、謝秉諺、朱禹謙(2019年12月)。利用隨機作業模型探討基隆港郵輪碼頭櫃檯作業之研究。中華民國運輸學會年會暨學術論文國際研討會。
研討會論文 蔡豐明、陳韻竹、邱裔晴(2017年12月)。應用混合式模糊多準則決策分析法探討郵輪補給發展策略。中華民國運輸學會年會暨學術論文國際研討會。
研討會論文 蔡豐明、周瑞秋、趙時樑(2016年07月)。打造基隆為國際郵輪旅客之友善城市。「璀璨基隆港、風華一三O」論文發表會。本人為第一作者、通訊作者。
研討會論文 Tsai, F.M., W.H. Chen, C.C. Chen (2015), “Developing Integrated Inventory Model for Cruise Supply Chain Management,” the 16th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference (APIEMS 2015), Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam.
研討會論文 Tsai, H.L., F.M. Tsai, and C.C. Chang (2015), “The Innovative Operation Strategies of Fifth-Generation Ports After Corporatization,” IAME 2015 Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
研討會論文 Tsai, F.M., Y.M. Chang (2014), “Optimization of yard truck scheduling and routing model with time-space network,” International Forum on Shipping, Ports and Airports (IFSPA), Hong Kong.
研討會論文 Chao, S.L., F.M. Tsai, and C.C. Chang, "Evaluating Sustainable Strategies by Operation Management for Liner Shipping Industries," The 13th International Business Innovation and Technology Management Seminar Conference, August, 2013.
研討會論文 Tsai, F.M., Jowen Huang, and C.C. Chen, " An artificial neural network approach to forecast Container Flows among the Major Ports of Asia," The 18th HKSTS International Conference, December, 2013.
研討會論文 Lirn, T.C. Lirn, F.M. Tsai, "The development of Regional Logistics Centres in Taiwan," The 17th International Symposium on Logistics, July 2012.
研討會論文 Tsai, F.M., S.L. Chiao, and C.M. Huang, "Cost-Benefit Analysis of Implementing the RFID System in Port of Kaohsiung," The IAME 2012 Conference, Sep 2012.
研討會論文 魏健宏,蔡豐明,陳文進,大眾運輸路線區間服務模式構建之研究,2010產業創新與科技管理研討會,民國99年1月。
研討會論文 Tsai, Chuck F.M., Steven Chien, and H.L. Kao, “Optimizing Fare Structure and Service Frequency for an Intercity Transit - A Case Study of Taiwan High Speed Rail,” The 23rd ICTPA Annual Meeting, May 2010.
研討會論文 Bladikas, A. K., Chuck F.M. Tsai, and Steven Chien, “Evaluation of Bus Travel Time and Schedule Adherence under Adverse Weather,” the 88th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 11-15, 2009.

