類型 |
論文著作名稱 |
期刊論文 | Liu CL and Lee MY (2018) Integration, supply chain resilience, and service performance in third-party logistics providers. International Journal of Logistics Management 29 (1), 5-21. (SSCI, 2016 Impact Factor: Q3). |
期刊論文 | Liu CL, Shang KC, Lirn TC, Lai KH and Lun YH (2018) Supply chain resilience, firm performance, and management policies in the liner shipping industry. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 110, 202-219. (SSCI, 2016 Impact factor: Q1). |
期刊論文 | Liu CL (2017) Using a video game to teach supply chain and logistics management. Interactive Learning Environments. 25 (8), 1009-1024. (SSCI, 2015 Impact Factor: Q2). |
期刊論文 | Liu CL and Lai PY (2016) Impact of external integration capabilities of third-party logistics providers on their financial performance. International Journal of Logistics Management. (Accepted) (SSCI, 2014 Impact Factor: Q3). |
期刊論文 | Niu SY, Liu CL, Chang CC and Ye KD (2016) What are passenger perspectives regarding airlines' environmental protection? An empirical investigation in Taiwan. Journal of Air Transport Management 55, 84-91.(SSCI, 2014 Impact Factor: Q3). |
期刊論文 | Liu CL and Chiang CW (2016) Adding value to logistic delivery through package marketing. Operations and Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 9 (3), 154-160. |
期刊論文 | Liu CL and Lirn TC (2015) Green shipping capability and performance of liner shipping firms in Taiwan. Maritime Quarterly 24 (3), 83-98. |
期刊論文 | Liu CL and Lyons AC (2011) An analysis of third-party logistics performance and service provision. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics & Transportation Review 47 (4), 547-570 (SSCI, 2010 Impact factor: Q1). |
期刊論文 | 王晉元、劉禎氣、劉穹林、陳駿逸 (2003) 應用限制理論於發動機維修作業排程之研究,民航季刊,第五卷第二期,頁75-96。 |
研討會論文 | Liu CL and Lee MY (2016) Analysis of third-party logistics integration and supply chain resilience. 21th International Symposium on Logistics, 3-6 July, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. |
研討會論文 | Liu CL, Lirn TC, Shang KC, Lai KH and Lun YH (2015) Supply chain resilience and firm performance in liner shipping industry. The 8th International Forum on Shipping, Ports and Airports (IFSPA 2015). 29 Nov-2 Dec. Hong Kong, China. (Best Paper Award). |
研討會論文 | Liu CL and Chang TY (2014) Predicting consumers' behavioral intention of adopting green logistics service providers. The Seventh International Forum on Shipping, Ports and Airports (IFSPA 2014). 19-21, May. Hong Kong, China. |
研討會論文 | Liu CL, Lai PY and Chiang CW (2014) The impact of the external integration capabilities of Taiwan's 3PLs on their performance. The Seventh International Forum on Shipping, Ports and Airports (IFSPA 2014). 19-21, May. Hong Kong, China. |
研討會論文 | 鄭嘉楠、劉穹林、李盈辰(2013, 12),「供應鏈管理體系中的緊急救災物流管理」,2013年兩岸海運論壇論文集,頁499-505,台中市。 |
研討會論文 | Liu CL, Shang KC and Lu CS (2013) Evaluating the relationship between service attributes, customer performance and financial performance for air cargo forwarders in Taiwan. The Sixth International Forum on Shipping, Ports and Airports (IFSPA 2013). 3rd-5th, June. Hong Kong, China. |
研討會論文 | Liu CL and Lyons AC (2008) A comparison of the logistics service requirements of manufacturers in the UK & Taiwan. In: Lyons AC eds. Proceedings of the 13th Logistics Research Network Conference: Supply Chain Innovations, People, Practice & Performance. 13th Logistics Research Network Conference, University of Liverpool. Liverpool: Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport (UK), pp.595-600. (ISBN 978-1-904564-00-3) |
研討會論文 | 王晉元、林至康、陳駿逸、林家盛、陳建名、劉穹林 (2002.04) 公車到站時間預估模式建立與實作,公車動態資訊應用設計競賽論文集,交通部運輸研究所,頁105-124。 |
專書及專書論文 | Liu CL (2010) An analysis of third-party logistics performance and service provision in the UK and Taiwan. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Liverpool Management School. |
專書及專書論文 | 劉穹林 (2003) 航空發動機維修作業中拆解過程之人力規劃研究,碩士論文,國立交通大學運輸科技與管理學系。 |
技術報告及其他 | 王晉元、劉穹林、陳駿逸 (2003.02) 長榮航太科技股份有限公司作業排程之研究,經濟部業界開發產業技術計畫航空引擎維修自動化系統技術發展計畫轉委託研究報告。 |
技術報告及其他 | 王晉元、林至康、陳駿逸、林家盛、陳建名、劉穹林 (2002.04) 公車到站時間預估模式建立與實作,交通部運輸研究所公車動態資訊應用設計競賽研究組第一名。 |
技術報告及其他 | 劉穹林 (2001.10.02) 台鐵提升競爭力從體貼旅客做起,聯合報,十五版。 |